Friday, July 15, 2005

The Colorblind Mormon

I looked at myself in the reflection of a passing taxi this morning and realized that I am dressed like a colorblind Mormon. I am wearing a short-sleeved purple and blue plaid shirt, a purple with blue striped tie, shirt tucked snugly into khakis. It's like some door-to-door boy from Salt Lake City discovered acid and went all crazy psychadelic. It's weird. And I love it!


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Carry on, nothing to see here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jason!!!!
If I was a good friend I would've sent you a present. Yea! But I didn't. boo! I'll give you a present when you come to Roch. next month :) I hope you have an awesome b-day....
PS I tried to send Jake G. by ups, but they wouldn't take him... Those bastards!