Friday, June 17, 2005

The Weekend To Come

I'll be seeing Batman Begins tonight immediately following work. It's strange, but I've been nauseous with expectation about it all day. I'm not even that big a Batman fan, but the reviews of this one have definitely got me hyped. I'm in the mood for some big blockbuster goodness, and this one sounds like it's living up to expecations. Even with that slack-mouthed beard stealing the spotlight away from yummy Bale yumminess in the press.

Other than that, a preview of Netflix reviews to come:

The Fourth Man, an early work from insane auteur Paul Verhoeven, and I say auteur seriously, I think the man's an insane genius of exploitation. This one sounds prime - from a review on imdb: "Why was it X rated? Let's see...there's strangulation, full frontal male and female nudity, castration, mutilation, simulated sex, a scene in a church with a cross that will shock most people, a gay sex scene in a crypt...and it's all a comedy!!!!!" That's gold, people.

Man Bites Dog (C'est arrive pres de chez vous), which is described as a "serial-killer mockumentary" and that's a description that sells itself, really.

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
, which is a continuation of my attempt to see classics that I've missed. Though I do wish I was going to see Kathleen Turner do this on the stage, I love her and have never been convinced of Elizabeth Taylor's worth as an actress (maybe this will change my mind).

Not to mention I have the Japanese horror film Pulse (Kairo) lingering on my shelf, which sounds like another Ringu ripoff but has been written about favorably enough to have beckoned me to buy it off of eBay.

Somewhere in there I'll also be getting my haircut, which will prove the most traumatizing experience of all.

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