Friday, June 10, 2005

Still Not Reading

I'm extremely disappointed that my Michael Cunningham book did not arrive today. Now I'm left with a gaping wound of an entire weekend with nothing to read! And I'm going to the beach tomorrow, what am I supposed to do there? Huh? Stare at the sun until my retinas crisp???

Even though my bookshelves are literally overflowing with books I need to get around to, I'm pretty sure I'll be going to the bookstore after work to buy something. Because I want to read what I want to read, right now, logic and wallet be damned! I'm going to try and pick up a copy of Richard Matheson's I Am Legend, which I stumbled across a conversation about and sounded good. If I'm a diligent boy I can finish it over the weekend, it's only 320 pages.

I'm also jonesing to read Breakfast of Champions, by Vonnegut, but that's being sent along with the Cunningham book so who knows when they'll arrive. Overstock has gotten tedious lately with their shipping, I am disillusioned.

Speaking of Vonnegut, am I insane for not being able to finish Slaughterhouse-Five? I just couldn't get into it. But I loved Cat's Cradle, and BoC sounds more in line with that. I'll just try not to imagine Bruce Willis as the main character, as the film version is supposed to have sucked enormous donkey balls.

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