Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Am I killing time, or is time killing me?

The boss called. He's on the plane. The only thing standing between me and FREEDOM is that goddamned pilot. Hello, pilot? FLY THE FUCKING PLANE. I don't care if you take him to Siberia, just get him outta here. Thank you.

I have a sudden headache. I took some aspirin, I hope it does its job in time for the movie. Lord knows there'll be explosions galore I need to insulate myself from. Aliens go BOOM! Dakota go Boo hoo! So forth.

I don't really have anything to say. I am trying to have something to do. Because otherwise I might go crazy. We wouldn't want that. Not right before a vacation!

Hmm.... la la la. Must be something I can talk about. I know I said I'd talk about Michael Cunningham's book here, but I haven't finished it yet and I want to wait until I do to say anything. I can say I'm not loving it as much as I have his other books. I don't hate it or anything, though, and I want to finish it before I make any comments. I only have about fifty pages or so left, so I'll finish it in Puerto Rico, I'd imagine. Unless the microscopic sea critters carry me off to their oceanic underworld.

It's supposed to rain a lot while I'm down there, according to sources. The boyfriend says I shouldn't worry, that it's a tropical place and it's bound to rain some every day, somewhere on the island, and that we should still be able to enjoy ourselves. I agree. For a change.

Okay, just one single hour until I can run screaming out of this office and straight into a movie about people running and screaming. Circle of life and what not. Only, you know, hopefully my pretend running-and-screaming won't actually have laser beams and death. Fingers crossed!

I'm also hopeful that while in PR I'll be able to finish the story I'm writing. I have twelve pages and am about to get into the last few scenes. I think it'll be five more pages or so, with some revisions. I might even post some here, for everyone's overwhleming enjoyment! Don't ejaculate on yourselves in anticipation.

Ho hum. Mind dead again. Think of something, people are staring...

I have like ten Snapple bottle caps in my bag. I keep winning the contest they're running. Not anything big, just a bunch of free Snapples, some lip balm, and a Snapple frisbee. The free Snapples are really useful, since I get Snapple for free here at work. Hence my having ten or so winning bottle caps, since I drink about ten bottles of Diet Raspberry Iced Tea a day. I'm not exaggerating, unfortunately; I might even be making a low estimate. I drink a lot of it, anyway. Is that healthy? Am I going to find out in a couple years that Snapple has some sort of demon-spawn ingredient that will make hair-and-eyeball-ridden tumors pop out of my shoulder blades?

Yes. That was what I came up with to discuss.

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