Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Niels Schneider Seven Times

Since he's a French actor being photographed for a French magazine I couldn't tell you what Niel Schneider is promoting right now. But if it's just the fact that he is one of the hottest ones doing it right now then he's got my vote! My hope is that the James Bond franchise decides to go hella homoerotic next and they get Niels to play the villain / Bond Boy -- that's my hope. That's the perk up the franchise needs. But Hollywood very rarely listens to me -- probably because my answer to everything is "Make it gayer!" But one day! One day we will triumph. Anyway -- it's Niels! Hit the jump for more Niels...


Anonymous said...

Check it out the sexy photoshoot of Hoa Xuande in GQ Australia: I think you'll like it.

Jason Adams said...

Oh thanks for the reminder, AnoN! I'd seen that last week and been meaning to post it. You are correct, it's a hot one. Tomorrow!

Clay Poupart said...

Niels Schneider is French-Canadian, from Quebec. I remember when his poor brother Vadim, then a teen actor himself, was killed in a tragic car crash.

Jason Adams said...

Well technically he was born in Paris and lived there until he was nine. I googled it before posting! I know him from the Dolan movies of course so I knew he eventually became a Canuck