Friday, September 06, 2024

Good Morning Again, Alex

Three days in a row! As hoped and desired and prayed upon and blood-sacrificed-for yesterday when I posted some more of Alexander Skarsgard's new Calvin Klein campaign, I have now gotten to post brand new gratuitousness from it three days in a row. Wonders, never cease. (Here is yesterday's batch, and here is the day before.) Okay so yes these gifs are from the official video for the campaign which has technically been around since the first day but I somehow forgot to post it then, but whatever -- spreading Alex wide has always been one of my most wished for dreams, and now it's come true! (I really am being filthier than normal this week -- don't mind me.) Hit the jump for the gifs and the video...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This man is 48?!

dre said...

I found it kinda...underwhelming. Like he's slumming a little.

Anonymous said...

Dental hygiene has never looked so sexy....