Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Good Morning, Chris Evans

No there's nothing "morning" related to this new Chris Evans photo-shoot for Esquire -- besides the appreciated implication of him maybe unbuckling his belt for us, to the sound of angel song for all -- but I've got my bi-weekly masked and panicked grocery run this morning so apologies, I'm distracted. Not that I should apologize for sharing Chris Evans content, by any means. But right now I've got to go disinfect a loaf of bread and several bottles of disinfectant spray -- that's been the weirdest part of all of this; disinfecting the disinfectant -- so y'all just hit the jump for the rest of this photo-shoot for the time being...


JKue71@comcast.net said...

Whoever picked out those clothes got it right. I know most of us want him out of the clothes🤣

schmiedepaul said...

I want the polo shirt under the brown jacket. And what's under the polo shirt ...

Anonymous said...

lol Esquire trying to be fun and interesting but they picked a colour blind 'stylist'. The snakeskin jacket and floral print shirt together BARF