Wednesday, November 27, 2019

RIP Godfrey Gao

I was shocked last night to read that the Taiwanese-born and Canadian-bred model turned actor Godfrey Gao, only thirty-five years young, had died -- he's been one of our favorite posting subjects all this decade, even though we never got to see any of his actual acting. His only real role over here was in the Mortal Instruments movie -- otherwise he mostly worked in China, because our movie-makers are fools who've only recently realized that Asian Men can be Leading Men. I had been hoping that this turning point post Crazy Rich Asians might mean work over here for Godfrey specifically,  since he's one of the most beautiful humans I've ever seen -- he made beautiful Henry Golding look like a puddle of puke! -- but obviously that's not to be. Our thoughts are with the people he knew in the real world today, and feel free to click back through our archives for a ton and I do mean a ton of photos.

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