Monday, October 28, 2019

13 Cakes of Halloween #10

I wanted to try to make this festive list of horror cakes skew towards non-birthdays whenever possible, but it turns out that Horror Movies really love birthdays -- specifically to shit on people's birthdays. But there was one Birthday Cake I knew from the get-go was a must-have, and that's the one in the trailer for the terrific and totally under-appreciated 1981 slasher gem Happy Birthday to Me starring Little House on the Prairie star Melissa Sue Anderson. Not the cake in the actual movie...

... but the cake in the trailer. Classic axe to the cake! I love this movie -- as you can see as it's been bestowed the honor of not just one Ways Not To Die post but also a second Ways Not To Die post -- but I love this movie's trailer especially. It's a sugary slice of frothy Slasher perfection! Watch: 


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