Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Pee-wee: What did you do?
Mickey: Well, I lost my temper and I took a knife
and I... do you know those "Do Not Remove Under
the Penalty of Law" labels they put on mattresses?
Pee-wee: Yeah.
Mickey: Well I cut one of them off!
Pee-wee: Gee.
Mickey: Yeah I have a real bad temper.
Pee-wee: Boy, I always thought that was the dumbest law.

I still to this day don't know whether this is a real law or not, and I don't ever want to know. I mean if I apply my adult sized brain to it it sure for certain sounds ridiculous, but who wants to let that slice of my childhood go? Not this one, fellas! Anyway today marks the birth of our lord and savior Paul Reubens and we can't let that go without a howdy doo -- MNPP wishes the comic legend that lives among us the happiest of days and years. Merci blah blah!

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