Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Nicholas Hoult Nine TImes

I don't know if you guys follow me on Instagram -- it's just arty shit and pictures of clouds so you'd be forgiven for high-tailing it, truly -- but I posted some photos recently from the JRR Tolkien exhibit that's at the lovely Morgan Library here in New York right now that are nerd nirvana, in case you're nerd enough for it. I thought of that while looking at these pictures of Mr. Hoult here (via, thx Mac), whose Tolkien bio-pic is out in theaters on May 10th. I am still undecided on that movie, even though it does promise a lot of tweed. Hrm. Are you planning on seeing Tolkien? Well we have time to decide I suppose -- until then let's hit the jump for the rest of this plaid-plenty shoot anyway...

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