Friday, April 27, 2018

Raúl Castillo Three Times

The pictures that I took of Raúl and the rest of the cast at the We The Animals screening I attended last weekend at Tribeca weren't the greatest, but you can see one here if you'd like. I hope to write up my thoughts on the film soon, but it's not an urgent priority since somebody else is writing it up for The Film Experience. Hopefully nest week once things've wound down...

... since the film's phenomenal, absolutely unmissable. I had no idea going in what to expect (I'd missed the praise during Sundance) and was floored by it. It's out in August and I highly recommend marking the date in your calendars right now. And not just because of this. That doesn't hurt. Not even a little. But not just that.

1 comment:

JMTM said...

Those god