Friday, February 10, 2017

It's Brothers Again For Jake

Jake's just starting his great big Broadway musical this weekend but that's not stopping him from signing up for more movies -- he's just signed on to co-star opposite Joaquin Phoenix and John C. Reilly in a film called The Sisters Brothers, which most excitingly of all will be directed by Jacques Audiard, the brilliant French director behind A Prophet and Rust and Bone. The Sisters Brothers is based on a book (anybody read it?) and it's about:

"The story follows two brothers — Eli and Charlie Sisters — who are hired to kill a prospector who has stolen from their boss. The story takes place in Oregon in 1851."

I was picturing beards, lots and lots of beards, after reading that description - the word "prospector" just conjures up beards - but then I looked at the book's cover and there are no beards! I don't know what to think! Anyway I haven't a clue via that description which actor would be playing which role -- my guess is Reilly & Joaquin are the brothers since they were signed up first, and Jake's the prospector (beard?) but I suppose we will found out when we find out. Right, Jake? Right, Jake. (thx Mac; pics via)


Unknown said...

It's a fantastic book, one of my favorite books of fiction last year. It upends the classic western adventure story in startlingly new ways. Highly recommended.

Anonymous said...

Echoing Unknown above -- it's a fantastic book. My one fear is that the book is absurdly, morbidly, and darkly funny, which is often difficult to put on the screen. I hope they can do that!

Anonymous said...

To above, Audiard did exactly that adapting Baxter, his early work as a writer.