Friday, January 18, 2013

Who Died Worse?

Anne Hathaway in Les Miserables, or
Marion Cotillard in The Dark Knight Rises?

This seems like something I ought to have saved for The Golden Trousers whenever I get to them but I felt like asking it now, so screw it. It occurred to me that both of these actresses big 2012 death scenes (spoiler?) were pretty lousy, so let's judge 'em. You can watch Marion's here; it's become a bit of an internet meme, making fun of it, since it was so bad. Anne's scene isn't online but believe me it's just as silly, plus she has the nerve to show back up as a caterwauling ghost at the end of the movie too. At least Marion stayed "dead" or whatever that head-flop is supposed to be.


Tyler O. said...

I don't think Anne has a tumblr dedicated to her shitty acting (yet)...

John T said...

Umm, spoiler alert much for Cotillard?!?

Derreck said...

I've loved Marion since Nine but even i was like "oh, honey, no. try that again" with her death scene. It was like that car crash dislodged one of the AA batteries inside of her.


TB said...

Anne is worse. Marion's at least is funny. Anne's is just straight up uncomfortable to watch.

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't know if you know that Guillaume Canet (Cotillard's partner) actually spoke out about her Batman death scene in an interview with French Premiere, here's what he said:

'This whole story about the scene where Marion’s character dies in The Dark Knight Rises is absolutely not her fault. It’s Nolan’s, who should have used another take. She offered him a multitude of options, and this one is the one he chose… I find it super brave of an actor to offer as many different tracks to a director. After that, it’s his job to be vigilant when faced with his film at the editing stage.'

Jason Adams said...

Thanks for sharing that, anon! Of course Canet's totally right, and I love that he said it. Defend your lady! Marion is of course a marvelous actress (and Anne can be great too). TDKR is a huge sloppy mess (as is Les Mis if you ask me) and the directors are totally at fault. In both cases.