Friday, April 13, 2012

Pics of the Day

Well it's not even 10am here on the East Coast of the United States but I know I won't see anything better today than this here pair of new pictures from Steven Soderbergh's male stripper movie Magic Mike and the Technicolor Peen Coat. Just 77 days to go!


Anonymous said...

the fact that this movie hasn't yet been released and I am therefor unable experience multiple orgasms while watching it is not only damn travesty, it's the tragedy of my life.

Hurry up and come out, movie. And release a trailer asap.

Tara said...

I think that the movie should really be titled Magic Mike and the Technicolor Peen Coat.

Who wants to start the petition?

John T said...

This movie is coming out on my birthday. A sign that 2012 is the year of John.