Friday, December 16, 2011

Good Morning, World


Since we don't post on Sundays let's wish Brad Pitt a happy 48th birthday a couple days early. Happy bday, Brad! I'm sure Angie and the kids are gluing together a big goofy card made out of macaroni and glitter right this second.

Anybody think really he might win an Oscar this year for Moneyball? I still haven't seen it, and I have nothing against Brad at all, I think he's given very good performances several times, but I just can't fathom he even has it in him to give a performance as good as Michael Fassbender's was in Shame. Ah well, them's the Oscars. I'd prefer Brad win one over George Clooney's Descendants work which I wasn't a fan of anyway. 


Adam said...

I told my friend they should run FYC ads using those old Playgirl pictures. But this is just a flimsy pretense to remind us all that those pictures exist and are glorious.

I also started watching Enlightened based on your recent raves. It is so good. Thank you.

Jason Adams said...

I was literally - literally - staring at the Playgirl pictures just yesterday. (Of course I was.)

And yay I'm glad I got you into Enlightened, Adam! It's very likely that I'll sit down and watch the whole series back to back to back et cetera now that we have a full season. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I can't even, with words, describe it.