Thursday, July 14, 2011

Some Thing Out Of No Thing


Good goddamn this is a banner day for fresh hotness. The John Carter trailer this morning, that shot of Andrew Garfield's ass in his Spider-Man costume that has guaranteed my entry into the world of cos-play, and now a trailer for The Thing remake with Ramona Flowers and Joel Edgerton.
<a href='' target='_new' title='&#39;The Thing&#39; Movie Trailer' >Video: &#39;The Thing&#39; Movie Trailer</a>
What surprises me about this trailer is, um, this really just looks like a remake. They're selling it as a prequel to Carpenter's 1982 classic that focuses on the Arctic station full of corpses that the characters in the original film stumble upon (whoopsie, seems things might not turn out well for these new people). But apparently they went through the exact same action beats? Like, with everything framed the same, even! History does repeat itself. In Hollywood. This is out on October 14th.


RJ said...

I want to laugh at people that are SO upset that they're 'remaking' Carpenter's 'The Thing.' His was ALSO a remake of a '50s film if I am not mistaken.

SeangSTM said...

J, I obviously haven't seen this yet, but I have a friend here in Toronto who worked on a sequence that occurs very early in the film that is unlike anything that happens in the original. I realize that's not proof of much beyond my inability to keep a lid on the miniscule slivers of insider info I am rarely afforded access to, but I thought I would speak up...

Jason Adams said...

That's great to know, SeangSTM! I guess they just cut the trailer to make it look identical.

I am totally looking forward to this - I love the cast and would love to see the world of these mutated creatures played with again. I don't think they can possibly top the insanity of the creature design from Carpenter's film though. But I want to watch them try BAD!

SeangSTM said...

Yeah - Rob Bottin is an f'ing genius...although after having watched the making-of docs, I want to cut his tongue out with a rusty blade.

The spider head is a thing of glory...

Ivan said...

Decent trailer, I'm hooked (or infected, as the case may be), but I agree with JA: some of the scenes looked framed like the 1982 flick, and the sets seem almost exactly the same (sure, I know Artic bases tend to look alike, but c'mon). What I really found disconcerting was the use of Morricone's music from the 1982 version.

Carpenter's Thing was enough of a departure from Hawks' Thing to be considered more than a remake, but this doesn't seem to. But I'll give it a chance.