Friday, April 22, 2011

Momma Everdeen Be...


... the actress Paula Malcomson, who's probably best known for playing the mother on the Battlestar Galactica spin-off Caprica. Or maybe for playing the nasty adopted mother who drives off and abandons Haley Joel Osment in the woods in A.I.? Or perhaps it's Trixie on Deadwood? Anyway, she's playing Katniss and Prim's mother in The Hunger Games.

I was just having a conversation with the boyfriend about her a few weeks ago, because she guest-starred on Fringe and was terrific - she managed to make a very specific character that you cared about with very little time and material to work with. Anyway, I completely approve of this right here. Yes.


Joe Reid said...

She was EXCELLENT on Fringe, and she was probably my second-favorite (of MANY favorites) on Deadwood.

I'm not sure she's who you're thinking of in A.I., though.

Jason Adams said...

Shit, she's not who I thought she was in AI was she? Damn. Frances O'Connor plays the mother now that I'm looking at the cast list. Whoopsie!

RJ said...

Keep it coming, Lionsgate!

Though I was hoping they were gonna keep giving us 2 tributes everyday on Facebook.