Friday, March 18, 2011

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

...cruising with Zac.

That shot is so unbelievably gay. Epic gay. It's so gay that California just fell into the ocean from the weight of its gay. Anyway these pictures have been making the rounds this week and I waited and waited on posting them until we got clearer ones and whaddya know, waiting brought forth more and more shots. That's one point for patience, bitches! (click 'em to embiggen)



unclemike said...

It looks like the opening scenes of many many videos I may or may not have seen over the years.

-carywd said...

- i like a boy on a skateboard, even one his age
looking good z!

Anonymous said...

Blech. You can keep him!

Joe Reid said...

I love the brazen PR-ness of these shots. Like, "'Charlie St. Cloud' bombed, I didn't get asked to present at the Oscars, and nobody's even mentioning me for Hunger Games! Gotta get the spotlight back!"