Friday, November 12, 2010

Unstoppable Foreheads

Hey oh it is Friday and it being Friday means there are new movies out and there being new movies out on a Friday means I am writing about them over at Celebrity Beehive, ho.

I should warn you, I speak well upon the trailer for Tony Scott's Unstoppable and I have no idea why I do that, except for some reason that seems like a movie I might enjoy, superficially. That is I mean it superficially, on the surface, seems like a movie I might enjoy, not that I'd enjoy the movie for its superficial nature. I can enjoy many things for their superficial nature, so many in fact that that's not something worth pointing out. But what I am pointing out then is that the trailer has obviously bamboozled and bewitched me, and I will never ever enjoy that movie. Right? I don't know anymore. Roger Ebert liked it, but he's liking everything these days. It does have Rosario Dawson in it, and that's something. I'm sure she's underused, but still, she brings the happy.

And it does have Chris Pine and his massive mile-long forehead, which is totally attractive for right now until he goes bald and it will be just awful and sad for him then. Hey look there are some new-to-my-eyes pictures from that Details lay-out that I posted some from before. Let's make up for that forehead bald comment now, eh?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he may go bald, but he'll always have those eyes.

I may have a thing for big foreheads because Cam Gigandet has one too.