Thursday, November 04, 2010

Go Give Stacie Lots Of Money Right Now


So the internet's reigning lady slasher enthusiast - not to mention Tracey Gold's number one fan! - Final Girl's Stacie Ponder is looking to make a brand spanking new slasher movie of her own. Maybe you followed the tale of the making of her last movie, Ludlow? While that one's off playing at festivals everywhere but where I can get to - dammit - she's moving on to her next project, and it's marking her triumphant return to plastic doll manipulation! (I guess she got tired of posing all those Sarah Connor Chronicles stars.)

It's to be hilariously called Diet! Diet! My Darling! and you can read more about it over here. And at its website. And then also click here and empty your savings into Stacie's undoubtedly stylish feminine carry-all. I don't ask much of you. Except blood, and semen, and now money. That's all. Do it!

1 comment:

Stacie Ponder said...

Thank you, sir. You are an inspiration to us all!