Wednesday, June 09, 2010

History Is Written In Blood (Also Other Fluids)


Have any of you overseas folks seen Neil Marshall's Centurion yet? I know it's been out in the UK since April. April! Here we have to wait until the end of August! Unfair.

Anyway that's the US poster (via) and I'm having trouble not mentally substituting so much of what we see there with other similar things. I mean... Michael Fassbender is brandishing a large sword while riding upon a wave of shirtless tattooed men. You must see where I'm going with this. It's not even that much of a stretch.


J.D. said...

Bwahaha, this is why I love you.

Simone said...

You're a sick man JA.

Sweet and cool.

But sick. :p

John said...

Hey JA, that man in the main banner looks pissed, had to mention that!

Fans of Michael Fassbender said...

If you are really want to see this, it will be on Video on Demand,, and Xbox on July 23