Monday, July 27, 2009

5 Off My Head - Sookie & The Gang

So besides watching a Fassbinder film, a Murnau film, a Godard film (the first one I've seen that I wasn't really that crazy about), a series of George Méliès' shorts, and a 70's Spanish horror film (with quite possibly the world's most annoying pair of protagonists ever put on film) this weekend, I also found time to finish watching True Blood's first season. Can I get a holla for never leaving the house?


I don't know that I can write a proper review of this series so far because it seems kinda Teflon to me. It's trash, but it knows it's trash and it revels in it. Hell, "revels" doesn't do the thing justice. It plops its ass down into squalor and flops the fuck around like a possessed possum in a cage getting drowned. And I don't want you to spoil this for me, I'm fairly certain they've begun to address or have fully address the what-the-fuck-itude of Michelle Forbes' character, in the second season episodes that have so far aired, but seriously... WHAT THE FUCK?

I could ramble for awhile about the stuff I like about the show, there are a lot of things - all y'all who prodded me with the knowledge that this'd be up my alley, all y'all buy yourselves a cookie tonight. You earned that shit! So instead of rambling for too long, I'm just gonna limit myself to the first five things I think up. And they're all character-based! How about that?

1 - Sookie - I've mostly avoided what's been written about the show so far because I knew I was gonna watch it and didn't want to be completely spoiled, but the general consensus I've caught glimpses of is that the Sookie and Bill's romance is everybody's least favorite part, am I right? Or have I got an askew idea of what people are saying? Well I wouldn't call it my favorite part of the show either, the constant quarreling is a wee bit redundant, but I just love Anna Paquin's performance. It's notsomuch working at the same level of reality of the other characters (who are all off in their own realities too), and I just like the heightened silliness of Sookie. She randomly keeps reminding me of girls from David Lynch movies, like Laura Dern in Blue Velvet or Naomi Watts in Mulholland Drive (Betty edition). This peach sun-dress splattered with gunk. Anyway, I think she's very, very funny.

2 - Tara - About halfway into the season, the scenes around the funeral specifically, was when it hit me: Rutina Wesley's accent might be popping at the seams but she gets across more than enough through the sheer force of her scared-eyed bitchiness. Like even though the unending string of nastiness that flies out of her mouth makes her sick she's unable to stop it anyway. And man alive do I know that feeling! More than any character I'm identifying with Tara pretty hardcore. So plopping her down at scary Maryann's has got me freaked out!

3 - I want to know more about pretty much every character in the background. More Arelene! And Detective Andy Bellefleur? Come on down! Terry? Hells yeah! Mistress of Fangtasia Pam? Yes please.

4 - I was worried at first glance that Lafayette, with his lip-gloss and sassy 'tude, was gonna be some sort of a gay minstrel show... and I was very very happy to find out I couldn't have been more wrong. And it was of course, predictably, the AIDSBurger that finally did it.
. .
"Who ordered the burger... WITH AIDS???" Classic.

5 - And finally... why Ryan Kwanten, of course:

So I've got the first five episodes of the second season to catch up with and I'll be right where all y'all are and I can't wait. So now you tell me (without spoiling what I've got coming of course): what do you love about True Blood?


Pax Romano said...

I have been a True Blood addict since last year - got the books for Xmas, and devoured them. Funny how the show had altered the books and condensed and created some of the charaters, but stayed true to Charlaine Harris's theme(s).

Sam is my fave character on a purely prurient level - but Mary Ann is my all time fave. I love a Dionysian mad woman who knows how to throw a party!

Anonymous said...

I love love love Eric, just wait till season 2!!

-Tracy D.

Anonymous said...

Yay! True Blood on MNPP!

You are so right about Sookie's Lynchian aspect. I bet Alan Ball is a Wild at Heart fan.

Tara and her mother's scene at the funeral terrified me. "I have a demon inside me." Chills!

Season 2 definitely brings the "SkarsGOD."


Anonymous said...

Oh my dear...
I am so happy I could cry. The feeling is akin to watching my kids' first steps, or dropping off my daughter on her first day of school... and now you, my babe, have taken your first steps into True Blood. Oh sweety. It is a veeery sticky trap. I have read EVERY book - cover to cover - even though, the whole time, I knew that they sucked. Didn't matter. Couldn't stop. I count the minutes between episodes each week. I am soooo happy for you dear!


Taffy said...

My fave's Jason Stackhouse. I love how lonely and naive he is and he knows it. Seems like it makes him make really bad life choices. I know that everybody's got the hots of Ryan Kwanten but I think he's underrated as an actor.

M said...

I think everybody loves Jason (and, my God, why wouldn't they?), but I also really like Sookie and Bill's relationship. I love how protective he is of her, and I also think it's awesome that she puts him in his place.
Lafayette is a fantastic character as well--flamboyant but confident.
Glad to see TB on MNPP!

Ms Scrappy said...

I think I have maternal feelings for Jason Stackhouse. I feel pity for him episode after episode.There's scene in season 2 that happens in a bathroom with him that made me feel like I was watching a child getting molested. But I think I kinda like Eric, ALOT. He has no patience for bullshit or fools.

James said...

Tara is my favorite by far. I never noticed any issues with her accent (though its possible Im purposefully ignoring them due to the good will generated by the final dance scene in How She Move. She breaks down a fuckin' car!). I find her to be the most relatable of the show, and no one call throw out a "you nasty bitch!" like Tara can. Love.

Kirk said...

Ha, awesome. I thought season one was a great opening act, but season two (so far at least) has really taken things to a new level. More of everything I wanted more of in the first season (Eric and Pam, Maryann, Hoyt, awesomely/disturbingly graphic fangbanging), plus some additional dimensions that I didn't see coming.

You've got some pretty fun times ahead. Actually, we all do.

Cramped Kitchen. said...

tara and lafayette have been my favorites from the beginning, but of all the men (sure jason stackhouse,/ryan kwatan, is nice to look at) sam merlotte is by far the hottest. check him out more, trust me! but now that the second season has started my new favorite has to be jessica..i won't ruin anything by saying anything about her character, but deborah ann woll is amazing. there is no way you can't love her character.

Anonymous said...

Vampire lore always fascinated me. Plus, the endless amounts of male nudity hooked me.

The second season is better than the first so far.

Rob91316 said...

A trashy soap opera full of over-the-top sex and gore and featuring vampires, shape-shifters, demons and serial killers... With a description like that, what's not to FUCKING LOVE about this show???

Mike z said...

One of those shows where I'd be more interested if the main characters would just go away.

Wayne B said...

I agree with you on even though the Sookie/Bill romance is one of the lesser aspects of the show, I like Anna's performance as Sookie. But now that the second season is getting underway I find myself more interested in Jessica. Also glad that Hoyt is getting more storytime. The AIDS burger is my FAVOURITE scene from the entire first season.

BTW, Eric gets a haircut and his hotness increases tenfold in second season.

Alana Noel Voth said...

SAM, love Sam. :-)

The Facebook quiz I took the other day likened me to Jessica Hamby so got to like her too.
