Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Marcel Six Times

True Confessions Time! Marcel Schlutt is a German adult film actor (i.e sex monkey) that I've found... captivating... in the past. But now that he's in Otto; or Up With Dead People, which I just reviewed, which is a (mostly) legit-type movie... well that gives me an excuse a reason to post some (decidedly PG-rated - this ain't quite that that-sort-of-blog, ya know) pictures of him...

He looks really wonderful on film and is actually a better actor than you'd think... but not good enough to give up his day job. And I don't want him to give up his day job anyway! Other jobs, he can give out... oh gutter talk! It's not even Noon! Shame on me.


Anonymous said...

You are developing a German pattern

Jason Adams said...

Developing? Why do you think I took German as my second language for five years through Middle and High School? It's always been there.

Joe Reid said...

"Marcel Schlutt"? Oh, that's a good one.