I don't know how long this leaked footage from ComiCon of X-Men Origins: Wolverine will stay online, but if you didn't catch it before it went away, I caught what matters most:

Yes, if the trailer is any indication, all Hugh Jackman's hard work building himself into the hottest slab of muscle and fur will be exploited fully on the big screen for this flick, in that he's spending a good chunk of time at the very least shirtless. He knows what the geeks want! Well, this geek anyway. I love the shot on the left-side middle there that's nothing but his dog-tags nestled in chest hair... mmmMmm good.
This geek, too!
Well, in any case, Hugh knows which buttons to push for us all, geek and normie, 24/7/365. He gets February 29th as a break, though. He deserves it, right? One man can only do so much for humanity.
More shirtless men! please! It makes my day less ... dreary.
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