Friday, December 07, 2007

Happy Birthday, Ellen Burstyn

Speaking of people who'd have Oscars in a perfect world,
Ellen Burstyn turns 75 (!) today,
and instead of just one she should have,
at the very least, three.

Love you, Ellen!
You're still, in my opinion, responsible for
the greatest performance of the '00's.


Anonymous said...

That year was very tough, and I'm still torn. I can't help but love Julia Roberts, and I really enjoyed E.B. and her performance therein, but in what world did her perforance surpass either Burstyn's or Linney's, two of the best performances I've ever seen--period.

I would have much rathered seen Julia get her due in 2005 for her amazing performance in Closer, a performance for which she was nominated for nothing (I still find myself replaying in my head the scene where she tells Clive Owen that Jude Law's bodily fluids taste "like yours only sweeter"). Biting, affecting stuff that was.
Love the Swankster, but does she really need 2 Oscars? She had better be careful or Annette Benning is going to put a hit out on her if she pulls another Oscar-block on her!

Stacie Ponder said...

Ellen Burstyn rules.

I mean that so much that I almost wrote it in capital letters!

Bea said...

I have not forgiven Julia Roberts for having Ellen Burstyn's Oscar. I know, I shouldn't blame Julia, but I'm petty like that. Ellen Burstyn so totally rocks and also? 75 years old? Seriously? SHE LOOKS GODDAMN FANTASTIC.

Barry said...

I definitely agree on the best performance of the 00's. She deserved the Oscar WAY WAY more than Julia Roberts.