Monday, October 15, 2007

I Like To Watch


So tonight's the night! Michael Haneke, my favorite director, is presenting his 1997 version of Funny Games at the Museum of Modern Art here in NYC! I know I'll be too chicken -shit to raise my hand and attempt to ask him a question, I always am, so I'll refrain from bothering y'all with ideas for questions. I'm dragging Joe along with me, and he's - gasp! gulp! - never seen a Haneke film before, so I'm extremely extraordinarily curious to see what he thinks (Sorry for putting you on the spot, Joe!).

Anyway, if you sense a disturbance in the force tonight, it just might be me imploding from glee. Yay to brutalizing the upper-middle-class, and yay to hating on audience-expectations! Yay intellectualism run amok!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I might not be there but I have my white gloves on.