Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Coming Soon To A Theater Near You!


Or, at least, this was my first thought upon reading this bit of "news"...

Snark aside, though, I can totally envision a movie version of Candyland. It'd be like Labyrinth, only... pinker.


DL said...

Charlie Kaufman and Spike Jonze re-team for the big screen version of The Game of Life.

Jason Adams said...

Hrm, what would a movie of Life even look like? I can't even imagine it. It's the most basic structure - go to college, get a job, buy a house, get married, have kids, retire - I guess you could spin off all the different options for a person, like a bunch of parallel universes, where in one you're a doctor in a trailer, and in another you're unemployed in a mansion, and suddenly the worlds meet, and chaos happens, blah blah meta blah. Or something. I could see Kaufman and Jonze going that way, I suppose.