"Has it really been eleven years since Chuck Palahniuk first fired FIGHT CLUB into the brain pan of popular consciousness? In the years since, he’s become one of the most interesting and reliably outré authors working, and even if I haven’t loved every one of his books, I find him to be consistently engaging, and I’m always hoping that he’ll write another stunner, something else that will knock me on my ass.
And with RANT: AN ORAL HISTORY OF BUSTER CASEY, he’s done exactly that."
I can't wait. And in checking out stuff on Rant this afternoon I stumbled upon this bit of news at Palahniuk's website, The Cult:
""Choke" Is Going Into Production!!!
... Chuck emailed me a few days ago to give me the exclusive news that Choke is going into production on June 18th! Sam Rockwell is set to star, and first-timer Clark Gregg will be directing. A little history on Gregg: He wrote the Robert Zemeckis thriller What Lies Beneath and, as an actor, is a regular on the hit TV show "The New Adventures of Old Christine." Gregg adapted Choke into screenplay form and has been championing the project for years now. God bless him and his tenacity as the film has finally been greenlit for production and Gregg will be getting his debut in the directing chair. Chuck also went on to tell me that the mom is most likely Glenn Close, Annette Bening or Julianne Moore."

I've only read Choke, Fight Club and Survivor but to me, all of his books seem like the potential for KICK ASS movies. If they got the right director (like David Fincher) and the right actors (like Norton, Pitt and Bonham-Carter) they could be like out of this world.
Invisible Monsters I think is my fave, and Lullaby's pretty awesome too. Survivor's great but I can't imagine anybody putting forward the money to make that. But yeah, the right elements fall into place I too could see any of them kicking all kinds of ass.
Thanks! Do come back.
Big fan of Chucks and Choke is everything you would expect from him. It's a great book and strangely touching once you get past all the sex and the butt beads and the fake choking of course.
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