Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I Am Not Neptune-Related Links

Okay, so there would have to other news in the world than Veronica Mars' final episode airing tonight (8-10pm on The CW... a channel I plan on never having to ever mention again after today)... here's what else is rolling in the world that matters -

--- Cast Rose! Robert Rodriguez will be helming the Barbarella remake and suddenly I can muster some enthusiasm for its prospects. Says DH:

"Robert Rodriguez has signed on to direct Universal's new adaptation of the classic sci-fi comic book Barbarella... Immortalized in the famous campy 1968 movie starring Jane Fonda, plans are to rush the new film out in time for a release sometime next year - coinciding with the original's 40th anniversary.... Scribes Neal Purvis and Robert Wade ("Casino Royale") are penning a completely new adventure for the galactic heroine."

Schtupping the director: will it work in Rose McGowan's favor come casting time? Stay tuned!

--- Where Neo meets The Prom King meets Gigolo Joe... casting rumors for Zack "300" Snyder's adaptation of Watchmen begin, via AICN:

"Right now, there are offers out to three people to join the cast. If the studio’s gotten to the point where they’re officially making an offer, you can expect that these people will most likely make it into the film.... So that means we’ll see The Prom King, Patrick Wilson, suit up as Night Owl. I think he’s a great choice for Dan, and all you need to do is look at the work he did in LITTLE CHILDREN as an example of the sort of quiet sadness he’ll bring to the role.

Dr. Manhattan is a tricky part, and there’s something alien and otherworldly about him. Keanu Reeves always seems to me to be on a different wavelength than anyone else on the planet, so when he steps into the part as the big blue superbeing, it might be a nice fit.

And in the biggest “duh” of the year, Jude Law has been offered the role of Adrien Veidt, aka Ozymandias. Perfect choice, and Law’s been saying for years that he is a huge fan of the material. If anyone out there is more right for the role, I don’t know who it is."

Can I just say that if Gerard Butler does end up playing Rorshach, and these three sign on, this is gonna be one scorching cast. Go to Watchmen's Wiki page to see more about the book and characters. if you don't know already.

--- Blood Bath... seriously - if you click on this link to BD's galleries of pictures from Hostel: Part II you'll see some new ones, but check out #48 for the true, um, gem of the bunch. It is most decidedly NSFW or human eyes... I cannot wait to see how Mr. Eli Roth works that into the story. Ridiculous.

--- Food for thought...
my pal Sean saw and reviewed Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (and it sounds downright painful) so the rest of us don't have to... and who am I kidding, I and a billion other people probably still will. Damn you, marketing machines!!!

--- Maid Marion returns! In news designed to make my inner-Indy-geek squeal with glee, it looks like Karen Allen will be reprising her role from Raiders of the Lost Ark for the fourth Indy adventure. She's awesomeness. But will Mrs. Spielberg make a cameo? If she does, there's gotta be a giant bug involved.


Anonymous said...

I'd really rather they didn't make Barbarella...why is Robert Rodriguez filling his plate with remakes? As for Pirates 3, I didn't see Pirates 2 despite my Keira Knightley craze so I probably won't see this one either.

J.D. said...


Arrgh, me not gonna read dat revuw. Me no care bout opinions not mine. First one: GODSEND. Second One: Damn Good. Third One: 2 hrs. 50 min. Yikes.

Jason Adams said...

I was bored silly by the first Pirates. But then I sorta kinda liked the 2nd one [review]. So I had it backwards from how most people felt. And I'm actually looking forward to 3 whenever I think about it... thing is, I don't think about it a lot and probably won't rush to see it even opening week. I'll wait a week or so til the crowds dissipate a lil bit.