Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I Am Link

--- Last night Veronica, tonight Lost - the two-hour season finale of Lost is on tonight at 9pm and I'm actually excited, as opposed to dreading, what could happen here. I know the episodes have been out here in the ether for a couple of weeks now but I've remained happily oblivious (always an easy mode for me to slip into) as to what happens and plan on remaining so through today. Thankfully the folks at are feeling likewise and didn't spoil me, but they did give up this pretty amusing list of Five Things You Will Not See In The Lost Finale. Especially dug #3. And because it's not on their list I'm taking that to mean we will finally see Jack skinny-dipping. They've been holding that card for way too long, right? A boy can - and will - dream.

--- Summer's in the air - After posting his own incredible illustrated version last week, Nat at TFE asked for and received posts on Summer Movie Reminiscing that make for fun reads, you can find the links here. I totally spaced on it, I meant to do it, but kinda didn't have to in the end because it would've been frightfully similar to Adam's great post on Jurassic Park.

--- Insert the Missing Reel - BD's got a description from Cannes of what's been added to Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof to make it a full-length film, and not suprisingly it sounds slight. I say "not suprisingly" because the film already felt like a full feature in the original double-feature. And I don't mean it felt long, cuz I loved every word-soaked second of it.

--- Leprechauns Exploding Out Penises - Glenn at Stale Popcorn brilliantly takes on the cinematic classic Leprechaun 4: Space Platoon and what might just be the greatest Greatest Movie... ever not to have been. Pointless beefcake, mutant mad-scientist spiders, the aforementioned Irish Munchkin popping out the end of a male organ... sign me up.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't wait...I've read the spoilers. And if what I've read is

Jason Adams said...

Chut up!

Seriously, not another word! I'll skin ya!