Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Stone's Bringing The Sexy Back

Eww, I just typed that title. Anyway, some details about the third cut of Stone's flop du jour Alexander, hitting DVD on February 27th, have come out. From DH:

"Back in July doing "World Trade Center" junkets, Stone confirmed that he was planning a new director's cut of "Alexander" which he called his 'Cecile B. DeMille' version. That cut is expected to include several key subplots that were missing from both previous versions, along with more on the subplot about his relationship with his life long lover Hephaestion (Jared Leto) that Stone had to cut due to criticism from studios and fundamentalists.

Today, Warner Home Video has announced details on the disc with a 27th February 2007 release date set for the "Alexander Revisited: The Unrated Final Cut". The new version clocks in at a whopping 220 minutes, complete with intermission, and features around 45 minutes of new footage. HD-DVD and Blu-ray versions of the release are planned for later in the year.

According to the press release, the new film "intensifies the beauty and unbelievable brutality of Alexander’s pre-Christian world of social customs and morals so different from todays". Of the cut, Stone says "This film represents my complete and last version, as it will contain all the essential footage we shot... For me, this is the complete Alexander, the clearest interpretation I can offer"."

I don't feel guilty still wishing for some gay Jared Leto on Colin Farrell action to be included, because this was when I still thought Jared was hot, as opposed to now, when he repulses me. It harkens to a simpler time, see?

I really don't think there's much that can be salvaged from this movie though, and Stone needs to give up. If he can he should up the camp value as much as possible (i.e. every frame of Angelina Jolie he filmed should be included) and turn it into the camp classic it really wants to be.

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