Friday, April 17, 2020

Any Scantling of Your Soul is Winslow No More

The above gif is not from The Lighthouse, of course -- it's Robert Pattinson in Claire Denis' film High Life, which is funny enough also a masterpiece starring Robert Pattinson spitting. But seeing as how I'm a little Lighthouse'd out after, as long threatened, live-tweeting the entire movie last night I think you'll grant me a Lighthouse break. Yes indeed, if you missed it you can check out the whole sordid ordeal at this link here, aka under the hashtag #YeOldeLighthouseWatch on Twitter. That link starts at the end of the movie, so you've got to scan down to get to the start of the film... whenever you next watch the movie click on over and you can think of it as your own Commentary Track by a horny moron! What a joy for everyone involved...


RobL said...

Loved the commentary.

Frank said...

If he spit more and sparkled less in the “Twilight” movies I might like him as an actor.