Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Put This Movie In My Belly

It is coming up on an entire year that I'll have been yammering at you about my love for first-time filmmaker Carlo Mirabella-Davis' accomplished debut film Swallow, which has a fab Hayley Bennett playing a pregnant housewife who suddenly finds her belly awfully crowded thanks to all the sharp shit she keeps impulsively cramming down her throat. I saw the movie at Tribeca last spring and it was my favorite movie at the whole fest -- here's my review right here. But the movie will actually be in theaters before I celebrate that one year mark -- it's coming out on March 6th in theaters and on VOD, and they've just gifted us the above poster plus the below trailer. Watch! Or don't watch and just take my word for it that you want to see this movie. Either way.


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